Rental Pricing
$500/hr - Full Facility (Both waiting Lounges, Fitness, Pitching/Open Area, All Six Cages, Hittrax, Hack Attack Jr.)
$250/hr - Pitching Half - 38' x 85' - two portable collegiate mounds
$240/hr - Hitting Half - 38' x 82' - up to six cages with movable dividers to configure space as needed (1/2/3/4/6) Cage 5 may be available. Pricing is for five cages guaranteed, sixth may be included at the same price)
$60/hr Fitness Area - two power racks, aero bike, plyometrics boxes, sleds, slam balls, bands, agility ladders
$75/hr - single pitching lane - configurable to whatever distance is needed. Four lanes possible, only two collegiate mounds available.
$50/hr - HitTrax & Hack Attack Jr Pitching Machine - Cage 1
$40/hr - single batting cage (2/3/4/5/6)
Single Day - Individual Team Rental:
$100/hr - Three Cages - 38' x 41' Total Space (Cages 1/2/3 OR Cages 4/5/6)
This rate is for drop-in, single day rentals. Not block rentals/winter workouts.